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Pizza, Beer, and Code: YesWeCode Challenge Recap

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Coding Challenge Ctf

In my free time (when I have some), I enjoy solving programming challenges. December is always a special time because each morning I get to tackle a new AdventOfCode challenge. At work, we’ve created a communication channel for enthusiasts to share in this experience. Recently, for the second time, my colleague Antoine HonorĂ© and I organized an internal coding challenge, called YesWeCode, structured as a Capture The Flag event. It was a huge success, and since I spent so much of my free time creating the challenges, I wanted to share them publicly.

If you’re interested in a programming challenge, check out the challenges I created on the following GitHub repository. Each challenge’s goal is to find a flag (the answer to the challenge). The topics covered include steganography, algorithms, graph theory, file manipulation, and more. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Collection of challenges

Damien Riquet
Damien Riquet
PhD | Lead Research Engineer at Vade / Hornetsecurity